Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Arnica Oil

Arnica belongs to the sunflower family
Arnica Oil is the ingredient of the week. The main purpose for the oil is on arthritis pain or inflammation, sore or painful joints, bruised tissue, sprains, sore muscles, and swelling. Arnica stimulates blood circulation as well as white blood cell activity, making it perfect to be included in many different ointments.

There are many uses for products with arnica oil, and every one of them benefits your body in the long run. Ice and rest are key for your muscles and joints, but soothing your sore areas with arnica will help heal faster and more naturally. It is extremely helpful to apply ointment on your body right before bed, so that during your sleep cycle your muscles and joints are recuperating with help from arnica's healing properties. Sleep is a vital element to healing, but arnica is sleep's right hand man.

Here is an info-graphic regarding sleep and recovery. As you can see tissue growth and repair happens only in the 5th stage of sleep, the "Very Deep Sleep" stage. To take advantage of that short period of time, arnica is able to help with the repair and growth part of recovery, and have you feeling refreshed and energetic in the morning. After a nice workout be sure to eat a hearty meal with lots of protein, but don't forget to apply arnica to those aching muscles.

Thanks for reading, be sure to check out the store for more great products.

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